Sunday, December 29, 2019

Classification and Assessment of Aridity over Pakistan...

3. Results and Discussion The aridity maps was prepared by using De Martonne’s Aridity Index, Thornthwaite’s Precipitation Effectiveness Index, Thornthwaite’s Moisture Index, UNESCO Aridity Index and Erinc Aridity Index. These indices showed that most of the southern parts of the country lie between arid to hyper arid where as northern parts lie between semi arid to very humid zone (Fig-3). Analysis shows the climate of northern parts is more variable as compare to southern parts. The reason in the variability of the climate in the northern parts is that this region received rainfall in summer due to monsoon systems (July to September) and in winter due to western disturbances (December to March). Southern parts of the country receive most†¦show more content†¦This is quite unfortunate for our agriculture that evaporative demand and water requirement for crops in whole southern parts of the country is very high as compare to northern parts and it is very difficult to carry out th e agricultural activity in these regions. Climate variability and change profoundly influence social and natural environments throughout the world, with consequent impacts on natural resources and industry that could be large and far-reaching. Climate change due to global warming not only started to impact the weather pattern but also influence the agriculture sector in Pakistan. Pakistan is an agriculture whose majority of the population depends upon agriculture. Glaciers are the big fresh water sources for Pakistan which fulfills the water demands in the agriculture land while rainfall fulfills the water requirement of the barani areas. An increase in temperature was observed in the country especially during the last few decades which accelerate snow melting on glaciers. The increased rate of glacial melting in Himalayas has caused vast lakes to develop, and if these lacks outburst, these can inundate towns and villages below. There is high level of confidence that recent regional changes (rising tendency) in temperature h ave discernable impacts on precipitation, evaporation, stream flow, runoff and other elements of hydrological cycles (Elshamy et al., 2006).

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Types of Grant Programs Essay Example

Essays on Types of Grant Programs Essay The paper "Types of Grant Programs" is an outstanding example of an essay on finance and accounting. Type A grantThe origin of the tax is identified as personal income taxes, corporate income taxes, general sales taxes and taxes on alcoholic beverages. The allocation of the specified share is identified as the population and the effort undertaken towards paying of the tax.Type G grantThis is because the decision is to assist provincial governments hence making it an ad hoc decision without a clear strategy. The cost put towards the â€Å"assistance† has no specified origin or clarity in the amount that is sent out. However, it is significant to tell between it from the type H grant since this assistance is done annually.Type H grantThe situation falls under type H grant since the response to the situation at hand is ad hoc and the means of assistance are also unplanned. The duration through which this assistance will be carried out is undetermined too. It is also unknown what amount of assistance will be required.Type F grantThis is a type F grant because the decision to assi st is based on the formula/determination of areas with the highest poverty and infant mortality rates and substandard housing. It is differentiated from grant B because the method of assistance is not specified.Type F grantThe amount of assistance is not specified (only referred to as a portion of the tax revenue)and the assistance is partially based on the expenditure needs. The method used to determine the assistance is formula based since the distribution is determined by how extraordinary the needs in expenditure are and on an equal per capita basis grant basis. The decision to give this assistance is also ad hoc.Type B grantThe origin of the tax is VAT and the tax distributed is specific. The tax is distributed on a formula based method that is 75% of it is given on the basis of an equal per capita perspective. The rest is given to states that have a below-average tax capacity. The fact that it is accounted for tax and distributed by formula makes it a type B grant.Type G grant The government provides reimbursement that is unspecified through an unplanned means. This makes this situation a type G grant.Type H grantThe provision of the income tax is annual though the share allocated is not specified (Ad hoc) and the method used to allocate these funds is also unclear (Ad hoc). This makes the situation a type H grant.Type G grantThe government repays the local government that is affected by the loss incurred in paying its fiscal need. This is an unplanned decision that pays for approved expenditures which are indispensable public requirements such as learning, public protection, and transportation. That gives the basis of the formula used in the assistance hence making it a type G grant.Type K grantThe assistance is made as a reimbursement of an approved government project. This automatically qualifies it to be a type K grant.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Being Cheyenne Free Essays

Waking in the dark, the sun not yet lighting the where the land meets the sky, I build the fire and begin my work for the day. I step in line beside my sister in law as we walk the path down to the stream to begin collecting water for the day. Each day since we have come here the dirt along the path has become smoother, beaten down by the repetition of our feet as we women come daily to draw from the water source. We will write a custom essay sample on Being Cheyenne or any similar topic only for you Order Now When we once more move on to follow the herds as the season changes, the smooth expanse will be left behind to be swallowed once more by nature. It has been our path for a small time but has always belonged to nature, who will reclaim it once we are gone. Though each day we walk together, the early morning walk to the stream is largely silent as we each think of the daily tasks ahead. This morning, I quickly run over my tasks for the day, allowing extra time to help prepare the buffalo if the hunt is successful. A successful hunt means more work today but peace of mind as well since I know we will not go without. For now though, my task is simple – to gather the water as I do every morning. The first thing I do this morning, as I come upon the stream is to step out of the worn moccasins that will encase my feet for the rest of the day and let the cool water rush between my toes. It is here that I watch the sun begin to color the sky, changing from dark to day. Between the water needed for cooking and cleaning, there will be several trips this morning to the stream. On the third trip to the stream, I hear the splashing of the boys bathing and playing at being warriors and begin to hurry. My sister-in-law is no longer by my side but back beside her own fire, preparing the morning meal. I hurry up the path noticing that the camp is now fully awake, as my two boys rush past, impatient for a full belly before going to tend to the horses. How to cite Being Cheyenne, Papers