Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Relationship Between Nature And Nurture - 1262 Words

Crystal Joseph There are 7 major perspectives in psychology. Compare and contrast how these perspectives would explain the relationship between nature and nurture in the psychological development of humans. Nurture versus nature is a common argument on how people psychologically develop. Although some support that innate characteristics are the crucial factor towards how people mentally advance, the environment we live in and the people we are surrounded by does play a significant role in how we progress. Aspects of nature and nurture are observed in each of the current psychological perspectives, but how each one helps with the psychological development of humans can be similar yet different. Neuroscience is a psychological perspective that focuses on the interaction between the brain and the body and the neural relay of messages throughout the body. In nature, the brain releases different messages to provide emotions for people. For example, the brain sometimes releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter that affects a person’s attitude and arousal (Myers, 2010). In terms of nurture, the way people are raised and how they interact with the environment certainly affects their brain. For example, the broken windows theory mentions how abandoning the environment can promote criminal activities. In The Tipping Point: How Little Things Make a Big Difference, Gladwell explains how human behavior is sensitive and easily affected by the environment, and the broken window theoryShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Nature And Nurture1666 Words   |  7 Pagesmake-up (Kato Pederson, 2005). Most commonly referred to as the battle between nature and nurture. Most differences that appear between MZ twins are due to experiences that one twin will experience that the other twin will not (Kato Pederson, 2005). Crawford and colleagues (2007) note that this is how types of attachment can easily be recorded. 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